Halo Fitness
I'm a Personal Trainer based in Cirencester that specialising in helping busy professionals. I can help you to reach your goals, benefit from increased confidence and improve your mental health.

Hey, I'm Neil! Your New Coach
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Nulla facilisis pellentesque lacus at aliquam. Mauris id mi bibendum augue rutrum suscipit eu nec sapien. Fusce sagittis purus id justo aliquam, nec blandit lectus eleifend. Vestibulum eu orci a tellus dapibus dignissim malesuada nec quam. Suspendisse sodales, diam eget congue finibus, enim purus semper arcu, id condimentum urna mauris ut nulla. Proin sed dui vel dolor sollicitudin convallis. Integer est mi, efficitur eu massa quis, faucibus maximus tortor. Ut ornare molestie enim, ac auctor lorem pharetra et.
If you are a busy professional between the ages of 30 and 50, I have helped hundreds of people just like you achieve results they never thought possible!
Here are just some of the clients that I've helped

Personal Training Based in Cirencester, Out Of Snap Fitness
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum id quam eu purus faucibus laoreet in fringilla ligula. Nulla malesuada mi purus, at posuere eros molestie ornare. Suspendisse sit amet ornare urna.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum id quam eu purus faucibus laoreet in fringilla ligula. Nulla malesuada mi purus, at posuere eros molestie ornare. Suspendisse sit amet ornare urna.

When Working With Me, You Will Benefit From ;
- A completely bespoke training plan suited to you
- Access to my personal training app so you can track and manage your workouts
- 1-1 Sessions from a fully equipped gym (Snap Fitness Cirencester)
- Regular support and contact through weekly check ins and message support when you need it
- Support with your nutrition to ensure you reach your goals
- Improved confidence, better mental health and better wellness
Not sure where to start? Click the link below to get access to a free 14 day training programme designed to help give you the kickstart you need.

Does This Sound Familiar?
- You've tried lots of different diets and never quite managed to get your results to stick long term.
- When you exercise you're never completely sure what is the best thing to be doing.
- You need a bit of extra, regular support to help make sure you stay on track and maintain consistency.
- You need a bit of extra, regular support to help make sure you stay on track and maintain consistency.
- You need a bit of extra, regular support to help make sure you stay on track and maintain consistency.
- You need a bit of extra, regular support to help make sure you stay on track and maintain consistency.
My Packages
Package One
3 Months-
Benefit Goes Here
Benefit Goes Here
Benefit Goes Here
Benefit Goes Here
Package Two
3 Months-
Benefit Goes Here
Benefit Goes Here
Benefit Goes Here
Benefit Goes Here
Package Three
6 Months-
Benefit Goes Here
Benefit Goes Here
Benefit Goes Here
Benefit Goes Here